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Migration Checklist

Use this guide to see if you need to migrate from specific AYY services and to find instructions for migrating your site. AYY's website services include:

  • Domain
  • or Subdomains
  • DNS-servers
  • Otax Web Hosting
  • Otax WordPress Service


If your associations domain is currently managed by AYY, you will need to transfer it to an another registrar.

Check if your domain is managed by AYY

A domain is a unique name that identifies a website on the internet. It is used to locate and access websites and is part of a website's URL.

You can check who your domain is registered with by using Traficom's WHOIS service:

If your domain is registered with AYY, the registrar will be listed as Aalto-yliopiston ylioppilaskunta on the bottom of the page. Like pictured below


Transferring your domain to another registrar

If your domain is registerd with AYY, you will need to transfer it to an another registrar. Instructions for transferring your domain to another registrar can be found here: or Subdomains

If your association has a subdomain under or, you will need to get a new domain for your site.

Old and subdomains can be redirected to your new domain. The redirection rules are set in this repository: You can ask AYY IT ( to set up the redirection for you, or you can do it yourself by forking the repository and creating a pull request by following the instructions in the repository.

To set up a redirection we need to know the following things:

  • The old subdomains that need to be redirected
  • The new domain that the subdomains should be redirected to
  • Whether to include the path in the redirection
    • For example, if you want to redirect to, do you want to redirect to or
  • Whether the redirection should be permanent or temporary
    • Permanent redirections are cached by browsers and search engines, so they are better for SEO
    • Temporary redirections are not cached, so they are better if you want to change the redirection later


DNS servers are used to translate domain names to IP addresses.

If your associations domain is currently served by AYY's DNS servers, you will need to transfer it to an another DNS provider.

Check if your domain is served by AYY's DNS servers

Similarly to the previous step, you can check what DNS servers your domain is using by using Traficom's WHOIS service:

AYY uses the following DNS servers:


If the WHOIS query shows that your domain is using these DNS servers, you will need to transfer it to an another DNS provider. AYY's nameservers

Transferring your domain to another DNS provider

Generally most hosting services will provide you with DNS servers that you can use for your domain. So that should be your first option: check if your hosting provider offers a DNS service.

If your hosting provider does not offer a DNS service, you can use a third party DNS provider. There are many DNS providers available, but we recommend using Cloudflare, which is a free service.


Otax is AYY's hosting service for associations. It consists of two services: Otax Web Hosting and Otax WordPress Service.

You can check if your association's website is hosted on Otax from a DNS query. In Windows you can use the Resolve-DnsName command in the Terminal to query the DNS records for your domain.

Resolve-DnsName -Name -Type A

On Linux and macOS you can use the dig command to query the DNS records for the domain using your preferred terminal application.

dig A

If your website is hosted on Otax, the DNS query will return the following IP address:

How do I know if my WordPress site is hosted on Otax Web Hosting or on Otax WordPress Service?

You can find a list of all websites hosted on Otax WordPress Service here

Generally if you have full control over your WordPress installation, it is hosted on Otax Web Hosting. If you can only manage the content of your site, it is hosted on Otax WordPress Service. One way to test this is by seeing if you can install any plugins on your site or only use the ones that are already installed.

If you can install plugins, your site is hosted on Otax Web Hosting. If you can't, your site is hosted on Otax WordPress Service.

You can also contact the AYY IT Services to check which service your site is hosted on.

Otax Web Hosting

Otax Web Hosting is AYY's web hosting service, where associations have a self-service Linux account on a shared host, that they can use to host their own website.

Instructions for migrating your site from Otax Web Hosting can be found here:

Otax WordPress Service

Otax WordPress Service is AYY's WordPress multisite instance, where association's can host their own sites as subsites.

Instructions for migrating your site from Otax WordPress Service can be found here: