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Migrate from AYY WordPress service

The AYY WordPress Service is set up using a multisite network, where all the sites are hosted on the same WordPress installation. When migrating, we want to separate your organization's site from the multisite network, and move it to it's own WordPress installation. This adds some special requirements to the migration process, which means that most guides on WordPress migration you can find on the internet are not applicable as is.

If you are unsure if your organization's site is hosted on the AYY WordPress service, you can check this list List of all sites in the AYY WordPress service.

Using the Prime Mover-plugin

Prime Mover is a free WordPress plugin that supports migrating a site from a multisite network to a single site installation.

1. Request the export package from AYY

Self-installed WordPress

Your association might be using a self-installed WordPress installation instead of the AYY WordPress service. In this case, you can install the Prime Mover plugin to your WordPress installation yourself and use it to create the export package. Best way to check for this is by testing if it is possible to install new plugins to your WordPress installation.

For security reasons, the plugin only allows the admins of the multisite network to generate and download the the export file. Please contact AYY IT to get the export file of your organizations site.

Request the export package from

2. Install the Prime Mover plugin to your new WordPress installation

The plugin can be installed from the WordPress plugin repository

A screenshot of the Plugins -> Installed Plugins page on the WordPress Admin Dashboard highlighting the 'Add New'-button

Then search for "Prime Mover" and install and activate the plugin.

A screenshot of the Plugins -> Add New page on the WordPress Admin Dashboard highlighting the 'Install Now'-button on the Prime Mover-plugin

3a. Upload the import package file using the WordPress Admin Dashboard


This method can take a really long time to complete, usually more than one hour, even on a fast internet connection. If you are in a hurry, you should use the FTP/SFTP method instead.

The import package file can be restored on the "Tools -> Migration Tools"-page in the WordPress Admin Dashboard. A screenshot of the Tools -> Migration Tools page on the WordPress Admin Dashboard highlighting the "Restore"-button

3b. Upload the import package using FTP or SFTP

For a faster upload, you can upload the import package file using FTP or SFTP. The file should be uploaded to the wp-content/uploads/prime-mover-export-files/1/ folder inside your WordPress directory. You can check the correct folder by going to the Prime Mover Packages page in the WordPress Admin Dashboard. A screenshot of the Prime Mover Packages page on the WordPress Admin Dashboard showing the upload path

After uploading the package file, you can use it to restore the site on the same "Prime Mover -> Packages"-page by clicking the "Restore" button. A screenshot of the Prime Mover Packages page on the WordPress Admin Dashboard highlighting the "Restore"-button of the package

4. Clean up users, plugins and themes

After the import has finished, you should go through the users, plugins and themes and remove the ones you don't need.

5. Set up auto-updates for WordPress and it's plugins and themes

Additionally you should set up auto-updates for WordPress and it's plugins and themes. This can be done on the "Dashboard -> Updates"-page in the WordPress Admin Dashboard. By default, WordPress

Premium plugins

If you are importing a site that uses any of the following premium plugins, you will need to set up the license keys for them again after the import to continue receiving updates. If you were using them previously on the AYY WordPress service, AYY IT can provide you with the required license keys.


WPML, abbreviation of WordPress Multilingual, is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create multilingual content on your WordPress site.


Divi is a WordPress theme and page builder plugin that allows you to create complex page layouts without writing any code.

Gutenberg, the new WordPress editor

In Wordpress 5.0, released in 2018, the new Gutenberg editor was introduced, which has a lot of the same layout building functionality as Divi. If you are not site does not require the more advanced features of Divi, the default WordPress editor might be sufficient for your needs.

Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create forms on your WordPress site.